Msaccess treeview
Msaccess treeview

msaccess treeview

With most libraries, you simply need to scan the list for the one you want. To add the reference, you need to open any VBA code module (the keystroke Ctl+G will get you there), and select References from the Tools menu. On all the Access installs where I develop, that ends up being in the Windows\System32 directory: C:\Windows\System32\MSComCtl.ocx You need to inform your Access application that you plan to use these controls, and point it to the Microsoft Library wherein they are contained.

msaccess treeview

This article will focus on getting started. There are resources a plenty on the web that describe advanced techniques. However, as a newcomer to the TreeView & ListView control, I have no depth of wisdom to impart. But all that’s water under the bridge, and I am finally, after all these years, embracing this family of controls. I’m sure I’ll get email from developers who never encountered problems with these controls in Access 97 applications, but alas, that was my experience. Recently I’ve been working with the TreeView & ListView controls on some utilities we use in-house, and the problems I remember from my Access 97 days have not manifest themselves. So, I gave up on them … but maybe too soon.

msaccess treeview

It was as if I could never be sure which version of the controls any given user would have on their computer and while the controls worked fine for me, users constantly experienced issues. I’ve never been fond of the TreeView & ListView because the library file that exposes these controls, MSComCtl.ocx, always seemed to behave a little quirky.

Msaccess treeview